Welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in our parish. The Sacred Heart of Jesus parish is a diverse Catholic community in the north of London, in the Diocese of Westminster. We hope that you will find the website useful and informative. The website contains the latest news about the parish, sets out its mission and history, provides information on the sacraments and makes an appeal for your financial support.
In 2004, we celebrated our 150th anniversary as a parish and today we continue to strive to be a community guided by the light of Christ. Whoever you are and from wherever you are, you will always find a warm welcome in our church. We invite you to come and share Mass with us on Sundays and weekday mornings. Mass times are on the the homepage as well as in the footer of every page. Please feel free to contact us if you require further information.
Fr Gideon Wagay
Parish Priest