In such turbulent times, it is more important than ever to celebrate the God Who Speaks into our lives and who offers us life to the full (John 10:10).
You are invited to our God Who Speaks Festival at St Albans Cathedral . We hope that all pilgrims, whether from schools, parishes, or just visitors to the Cathedral will have an encounter with Christ through His Word at this three-day event. From 10am to 4:00pm we be offering different ways of exploring the Word of God in prayer, through activities and our intellect.
A variety of content providers will join us over the three days and help us to engage with Scripture using your mind, heart, and soul. Some of whom will also offer a fringe event in Hertfordshire or North London on Thursday 3rd or Friday 4th February.
Following on from the Synodal Pathway, this could be the perfect opportunity to consider what is on offer for people who want to know more about the Bible in their local area. Find out more about how the Agency for Evangelisation can connect our content providers with schools and parishes to offer opportunities for an encounter with Christ through His Word in Eastertide, Autumn 2022 or beyond.